Showing posts with label Stan Harley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stan Harley. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016

SPX vs 93 Trading Day Cycle + US Election

93 Trading Days135 Calendar Days19.3 Weeks4.5 Months0.37 Years.
Regardless of the election outcome, in November and December the S&P 500 advances 72.2% of the time.
Source: Jeff Hirsch - see also HERE)
Stan Harley: November 8 (Tue) = Cycle Low in Stocks + Crude Oil (HERE)

Friday, June 12, 2015

With Fib 377 / √5 from Tulipomania to 2015 | Stan Harley

The Stan Harley Methodology:

Fibonacci Series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, etc.

► Derivation of Market Cycles (days, weeks, months, years):
(55 / √5) = 24.6
(89 / √5) = 39.8
(144 / √5) = 64.4
(39.8 * 2) = 89
(233 / √5) = 104.2
(64.4 * 2) = 128.8
(39.8 * 4) = 159.2
(377 / √5) = 168.6

(39.8 * 6) = 238.8
(610 / √5) = 272.8
(987 / √5) = 441.4
(1,597 / √5) = 714.2

► Most Common Cyclical Functions:
39.8 = (89 / √5)
49.2 = (55 / √5) * 2
79.6 = (39.8 * 2)
84.3 = (377 / √5) * 0.5
93.2 = (208.4 * 0.447)
98.4 = (55 / √5) * 4
115.2 = (208.4 * 0.553)
159.2 = (39.8 * 4)
168.6 = (377 / √5) * 2
196.8 = (55 / √5) * 8
208.4 = (168.6 * 1.236)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

DJIA 2013-2014 vs 1929

Calculated and charted with Sergey Tarassov's Timing Solution. For the methodology see HERE
Tom DeMark detected this 2013-2014 analog with 1929. It points to a very important market top on January 14, 2014. However, in a recent interview Tom DeMark was expressing his frustration about his signals not working due to constant FED manipulations. Stan Harley has figured on January 10, 2014 as an important top based on Fibonacci cycles. Based on George Lindsay's techniques, Ed Carlson targets the first half of January as the later of two likely ultimate top dates for this uptrend: "The current LLH interval points to a top on 1/2/14."